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Just-a-Tube Concentrator 
EZ-Spin Column 
Saliva Preservation Solution 

Charm-Tube for Nucleic Acid Precipitation


The Charm-Tubefor Nucleic Acid Precipitaion is designed for conventional ethanol or isopropanol precipitation of DNA or RNA.(1) When using Charm-Tube instead of regular tube for your ethanol precipitation, it saves your time; You do not have to wait long time for incubation at low temperature. Centrifugation can be processed immediately after 1 minutes mixing of ethanol with nucleic acid solution. And the overall spin time is only 10 minutes, not 30 minutes as in the regular tube. (2). When using Charm-Tube instead of regular tube for your ethanol precipitation, it generates higher yield than regular tube. From our research results, about 10-30% of high yield can be achieved when using Charm-Tube instead of regular tube. (3) When using Charm-Tube instead of regular tube for your ethanol precipitation, it makes your result more consistent and the whole procedure less technical challenge; The pellet is evenly spread over the tube bottom and is attached to the wall firmly. You do not have to watch out the pellet as in the regular tube. So it is extremely safe without any accidental loss of pellet during washing steps, making washing step easier than in regular tube. After short washing, purified DNA or RNA can be easily eluted or dissolved in the 10 mM Tris buffer of water, it is unnecessary to wait long time for the nucleic acid pellet hydration as in the regular tube. The isolated nucleic acids are ready  for use in all downstream molecular applications, such as restriction enzyme digestion, SNP analysis, reverse transcription, PCR, qRT-PCR, DNA methylation analysis and  automated sequencing reactions, offering superior data quality and read length.

Feature Highlight

  • Fast to perform: No long time incubation at low temperature and short spin time. Do not have to wait long time to allow DNA pellet to dissolve (hydration)
  • Easy to handle:  Evenly spread pellets over the bottom in the sample precipitaion step makes washing step easy and safe. You don't have to watch out the pellets at the bottom of the tube to prevent accidental loss in the washing step associated with conventional methodd
  • Reliable quality: No accidental loss of pellet in the precipitation procedure makes consistent tube-to-tube performance with higher yield.

Order Information

Product Description

Catalog #

Listed Price (USD)


100X 1 (tubes)



100 X 5 (tubes)



100 X 10 (tubes)



Note: Individual kit components can be purchased separately, Please call for details.



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