Buccal gDNA
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Just-a-Plate  96 Buccal Cell DNA Isolation Kit


The Just-a-Plate 96 Buccal Cell DNA Isolation Kit is designed and optimized for easy, fast and high-throughput isolation of high-quality gDNA from buccal swab or brush samples. Up to 96 DNA samples can be processed simultaneously in a 96-well plate format in less than two hours. No spin-column, filter plate, silica membrane, or magnetic beads are needed for the purification and no vacuum and filtration steps are required in the process. Based on Charm Biotech developed Solid Surface Reversible Binding (SSRB) technology, the Just-a-Plate system utilizes a 96-well plate coated with proprietary turbo-binders acting to selectively capture and efficiently bind genomic DNA from buccal cell lysates. In the presence of Binding Buffer gDNA specifically interacts with the turbo binders and binds to the wells while proteins and other contaminants will remain in the solution. Unbound material is removed in washing steps. The purified gDNA can easily be eluted in 10 mM Tris Elution Buffer or water. No vacuum or filtration steps are required in this procedure and the unique centrifugation-based protocol for this kit reduces the possibility for cross-contamination between wells. The plate used in this kit is compatible with the majority of automated liquid handlers, centrifuges, robots, pipetting devices, automated sequencers, and PCR cyclers. The purified ready-to-use gDNA is ideal for downstream application such as restriction digestion, primer extension, SNP analysis, PCR, sequencing, whole genome amplification (WGA) and DNA methylation analysis.

Feature Highlight

  • Easy to handle: All procedures have been optimized with regular 96 deep-well plates. No multiple steps of filtration associated with conventional silica membrane 96 well plate are required in the sample binding and washing steps.
  • Reliable quality: Consistent well-to-well performance and unique solid-surface capture technology ensure the isolation of high-quality gDNA without contamination.
  • Maximum recovery: This novel solid-surface capturing plateform not only allows fast buffer washing and easy sample elution, but also provides maximum sample capture and release from buccal cell lysates.

Kit Specifications:

  • Starting Material:  Buccal Swab or Buccal Brush
  • Elution Volume: 20 ul - 100 ul
  • DNA Quality: OD 260/280  > 1.7
  • DNA Yield:  In the range of 0.5 ug - 4 ug, mostly 1 -2 ug.

  Please check similar product: Just-a-Tube Buccal Swab gDNA Isolation Kit

Order Information

Product Description

Catalog #

Listed Price (USD)


96 X 1 (Preps)



96 X 10 (Preps)



Note: Individual kit components can be purchased separately, Please call for details.



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